Selah Resources will work with your organization to develop an event that is specifically tailored for your needs and the needs of the audience.
Some of what we can provide – in person or virtually – includes:
- Part day and/or full day workshops
- Interactive and inspiring speaking engagements
- Retreat experiences
- Large and small group facilitated learning
- Inspiring education sessions
- Staff reflection days
- Webinars and online learning
Topics we cover include but are not limited to:
- Care and compassion, including presence and self-care
- Understanding spirituality and spiritual distress in health care settings
- Hospice Palliative Care and End of Life Care
- Grief and Loss
- Supporting caregivers
- Self-reflective practice for personal and professional growth
- Advance Care Planning and difficult conversations
- The writings of Henri J. M. Nouwen
Audiences and participants include:
- Health care and hospice volunteers
- Health care providers including physicians, nurses and nurse practitioners
- Support staff including PSW’s, DSW’s, HCA’s
- Pastoral Care / Spiritual Care providers
- Parish and church pastoral care volunteers
- Parish Nurses/Faith Community Nurses
- General public
“Easy to listen to”
“Engaging” “Insightful”