Selah Resources has been privileged to provide education, inspiration, support and programming to a wide variety of audiences since 2009. As a sought-after speaker, Michelle’s background in both health care and spirituality enables her to speak to both the minds and the hearts of those she works with. She has an ability to transcend the link between the sacred and the secular when it comes to expressing how care and compassion are truly meant to be delivered and experienced.
Michelle has extensive experience in a number of areas including emergency and hospice palliative care nursing, parish nursing, parish ministry, residential hospice design and construction, writing and publishing. She is also closely connected to the writings and works of Henri J. M. Nouwen. Her wealth of examples and stories as well as her ability to include music, ritual or reflection in her presentations truly enriches the material and inspires the participants.
Selah Resources also enjoys a close connection with other partners and associates who may be able to assist with various aspects of your event. Contact us for more information.